The simple reasons why people fail to heal

The real reasons why people fail to heal is not because they haven’t found that magical pill or mystery answer.

The real reasons people fail to heal is because they overlook the simple daily habits, lack a dinycharia, lack motivation and accountability, lack knowledge, lack time and because of sabotage programs. Here we will explore each of these down below:

1) Overlook the simple daily habits

It's important to understand that healing begins with the basics. The daily habits we adopt and maintain have a profound effect on our overall health and well-being - and yet they are so often overlooked as a tool for healing. Take for example, the way that we breath dictates whether we are in fight flight mode, or in a relaxed state to heal. So many clients I see in my clinic are breathing incorrectly which negatively impacts the digestive system, suppresses the immune system, raises blood pressure and blocks healthy blood circulation.

Healing is therefore not always about finding the latest pill or complex diagnosis, it's about taking care of the basics and incorporating simple daily habits that will support our body's natural healing process.

2) Lack a dinycharia

Dinacharya is a daily routine or regimen that is traditionally practiced in Ayurveda and is seen as the foundation of radiant health. Dinacharya involves following a set of practices at specific times of the day, such as waking up early, practicing yoga or meditation, eating meals at regular times, and going to bed early.

The importance of Dinacharya is rooted in the belief that our body's internal rhythms, or "doshas," are closely connected to the natural cycles of the day and the seasons. By following a regular routine and aligning our activities with the natural energies of the day, we can maintain balance in our doshas and promote optimal health. An Ayurvedic Health Coach can help you to create your own personal dinacharya that will support the balance of your unique doshas.

3) Lack of motivation & accountability

Lack of motivation and accountability is a common and significant reason why people fail to heal. Have you ever set a goal to eat healthier or exercise more, but found yourself struggling to stick to it? Without a clear goal, plan in place and a like-minded community to support and hold you accountable you, it can be difficult to stay motivated and on track.

Humans are incredibly social beings and research has shown that our need for social connection is deeply ingrained in our biology. Studies have shown that social connection can have a profound impact on our motivation and ability to achieve our goals. By having someone else or a community there who is counting on you to show up, it can be much harder to make excuses and choice unhealthy habits. Finding a like-minded community who share the same goal of living a healthy and balanced life is fundamental to your success.

4) Lack of knowledge

One of the strengths of Ayurveda is that it's time-tested and its principles have been passed down from generation to generation, for over 5000 years! This ancient wisdom is based on centuries of observation and experience, which has allowed it to be refined and perfected over time. Furthermore, Ayurveda is holistic in nature and it takes into account the person as a whole, including the physical, mental and emotional state, rather than just treating the symptoms of the disease.

In contrast, many modern health fads and diets are based on limited research or are driven by a desire to make a quick profit, rather than a genuine commitment to promoting health and wellness. Ayurveda's long history and time-tested principles make it a valuable source of knowledge for those seeking to improve their health and well-being.

5) Lack of time

In today's fast-paced world, it can be easy to put our health on the back burner, especially when we are busy with work, family, and other obligations. However, taking care of our health should be a top priority, regardless of how busy our schedules may be. Good health is the foundation for everything else in our lives, and by making it a priority, we can enjoy a better quality of life and be better equipped to handle the demands of our daily lives.

One of the key benefits of prioritizing our health now is that it can help reduce stress, improve our overall well-being, as well as improve our productivity and focus. When we feel good physically and mentally, we are better able to focus on the task at hand and be more productive. Taking care of our health now, actually buys us more time!

Investing time in our health now can also help prevent health problems later on. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle, we can reduce our risk of chronic diseases which can be debilitating and costly to treat. Moreover, by making our health a priority, we are also setting a good example for those around us, especially our family. We are teaching them the importance of taking care of themselves and helping them to develop healthy habits which they will carry with them throughout their life.

6) Sabotage programs

Sabotage programs refer to negative thoughts, beliefs, and patterns of behavior that can interfere with a person's ability to heal and achieve radiant health. These programs can manifest in a variety of ways, such as self-sabotage, procrastination, and self-doubt.

Sabotage programs can impact a person's ability to heal and achieve radiant health in several ways:

  1. Negative thoughts and beliefs can create a self-fulfilling prophecy. For example, if a person believes they are not capable of healing, they may not take the necessary steps to improve their health.

  2. Procrastination can prevent a person from taking action to improve their health. For example, a person may put off exercising, eating healthy, or seeking medical attention, which can delay their healing process.

  3. Self-doubt can prevent a person from seeking help or taking the necessary steps to improve their health. For example, a person may be afraid to seek medical attention or to try new treatments, because they doubt their ability to heal.

  4. Fear can prevent a person from making changes in their lifestyle which could help to improve their health. For example, a person may be afraid of failure, or that the change will be too hard to make.

  5. Sabotage programs can also make it hard for a person to stick to a healthy routine, and make it difficult to maintain their motivation and commitment to health.

To overcome sabotage programs and achieve radiant health, it's important to find that right practitioner who can help you to identify and address the underlying negative thoughts and patterns of behaviour.

How we can help

By joining our 12 weeks Healthy Habits Healthy Life program, you will not only learn how to implement your own personal daily practices and routines that will heal your unique doshic imbalances, but you will also have the support and accountability needed to stick to your health plan. The program will provide knowledge and guidance to identify and overcome sabotage programs and implement small but potent changes to your daily habits to create a solid foundation to achieving radiant health and wellbeing.

If you are intersested in learning more about how I can support you to achieve your health goals, book a free 30 min consultation here.


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