Healthy Habits,

Healthy You

Your daily habits are absolutely the foundation of your health, vitality and joy in life. This course will provide you with the tools, knowledge and support to create a powerful base for you to live a balanced and stress-free lifestyle.

The program is founded on the sacred wisdom of Ayurveda & Yoga, combined with the Power of Habit Evolution & Behavioural Science.

Are you struggling with…

  • Feeling disconnected and ungrounded?

  • Lack purpose and a sense of meaning?

  • Feel like you have so much more to offer this world but not living your potential or sharing your gifts?

  • Heavy, fatigued, and sluggish when you wake up in the morning?

  • ​Uncomfortable, gassy, or bloated no matter what you eat?

  • Mind is worrisome, busy, and unable to relax?

  • Lack motivation to create change?

  • ​A general feeling of just not being quite ok?

The real reasons why you may not have achieved your health goals is NOT because you haven’t found that magical pill or mystery answer. It’s because:

  • 1. You overlook the simple daily habits

    Healing begins with the basics. The daily habits we adopt and maintain have a profound effect on our overall health and well-being - and yet they are so often overlooked as a tool for healing.

    The wisdom of Ayurveda provides with the knowledge & simple but potent practices that build strength, vitality and radiance.

  • 2. You lack a tribe of inspiring women

    We are the product of the people we have in our lives. Have you surrounded yourself by inspiring women to support, inspire and hold you accountable?

    We can grow and evolve so much fast when we harness the power of community.

  • 3. You lack motivation and accountability

    Without a clear defined goal, a robust plan in place and a like-minded community & coach to support and hold you accountable, it can be very difficult to stay motivated and on track.

    Finding a like-minded community & coach who share the same goal of living a healthy and balanced life is fundamental to your success.

  • 4. You lack the knowledge

    Many modern health fads and diets are based on limited research or are driven by a desire to make a quick profit, rather than a genuine commitment to promoting health and wellness.

    Ayurveda's long history and time-tested principles make it a valuable source of knowledge for those seeking to improve their health and well-being.

  • 5. Your too busy!

    One of the key benefits of prioritizing our health now is that it can help reduce stress, improve our overall well-being, as well as improve our productivity and focus.

    When we feel good physically and mentally, we are better able to focus on the task at hand and be more productive. Taking care of our health now, actually buys us more time!

  • 6. You sabotage yourself

    How often have we set a goal for ourselves and failed because we procrastinated, we doubted ourselves or sabotaged our actions.

    To achieve your health goals, it's important to find that right practitioner who can help you to identify and address the underlying negative thoughts and patterns of behaviour. from the start!

Don't let sabotage programs and a lack of knowledge hold you back in life.

There is a simple proven strategy that can support you to live a more balanced life.


Healthy Habits Healthy You

A transformational 12-week program where a beautiful intimate group of women meet online once a week to learn about healthy Ayurvedic habits, set health goals and support and hold each other accountable to live a healthier, more balanced and stress-free lifestyle. 

The course is founded on three important pillars:

Ancient and Time Tested Ayurvedic Wisdom

Upgrade your daily routines, synch with natural cycles and live to your unique constitution

Habit Evolution, Behavioural Science & Kinesiology

Mindset upgrade, reprogram your brain and evolve your habits. Overcome sabotage programs, procrastination & self doubt.

The Power of a Like-Minded Community

Be supported, inspired and held accountable by a like-minded community and qualified coach.

Through weekly live group coaching calls, an online platform, 1-1 mentoring and a supportive community, you get everything you need to create the life that you want.

    • Remove the obstacles to creating massive breakthroughs in our weekly group coaching calls

    • Receive simple step-by-step instruction to catalyse more energy, improve your digestion, cultivate peace of mind, and evolve your habits toward lifelong health and wellness.

    • Upgrade your mindset and create healthy habits with monthly 1-1 mentoring sessions

    • Be supported by a thriving and inspiring like-minded community

    • Transform your habits using the online course hub to access training videos, worksheets, journal prompts and practices.

    • Work with a program that has not only changed my life, but thousands of clients who have gone through the same journey.

Next Intake: August 23

Online Program

What others say..

  • Rachel Fearnley

    "I have been implementing the 10 habits from Ayurveda and Yoga for over a year now and I can honestly say it has been a GAME CHANGER. Being able to cycle through this deep wisdom, in such a supportive way, with other like minded individuals all on their own journey towards optimum health and well being has been nothing short of inspirational. I have unravelled so many habits that were no longer serving me - that I just was not able to deconstruct on my own. I was able to clearly see the stories that I was telling myself that were holding me back from my own evolution. This is a life long path for me now."

  • Jessica Drago

    “For years, I tried to implement change on my own. My deep growth process took place when I surrounded myself with a support system that held me accountable and let me share my wins. Anyone can look at a list of habits and try to implement them. In fact, some of these habits were already familiar to me when I started. What I really needed was a a mentor and a community with similar visions for the future to encourage me to put in the practice of re-patterning my mind and body. This is what continues to propel me to that next level. This is more than just habits. It's a guided personal transformation.”

  • Patty Halva

    "Living and practicing the habits has not only shifted my health physically & emotionally, but also the quality of life for my whole family. What has been really remarkable has been making the changes in really subtle ways. It helped me not only let go of perfectionism and break free of old self-shaming tendencies, but also to create very sustainable changes in my habits. I have more energy, I've lost weight, my sleep has improved, and I'm generally just happier. My husband has gradually implemented may of the habit and has also noticed huge positive shifts in his energy and digestion. After watching us make these changes, our college-age son is now asking about the habits and wanting to learn more!"

  • Ashley Mae

    “These habits have been a complete game changer in my life, they have become non-negotiable. They are the foundation in my life that keeps me grounded and steady through the waves of uncertainty in the days and seasons. I am more deeply connected to the needs of my body and no longer ruled by my mind. I want to do more and be more and now I can serve in ways I never thought possible for my family and my community..”

  • Alissa Xander

    “These seemingly simple habits have had an immense impact for me. Throughout my adult life, I’ve tried to maintain a very healthy lifestyle, so I wasn’t sure what effect the habits would make me for me—thinking that I already embodied most of the them. But after going through the process, and learning the intricacies of the habits, I found that I could still make small changes and see major results. I’ve been going to bed early for the past several years, but now when I wake up, I feel more rested and energised. I feel so much more easeful as I start my day, which makes the rest of the day go much better”

  • Colleen Hieber

    “These habits have opened a whole new level of health for me! I feel younger now than I felt in my 20's, my focus is incredible, I burst forth with creativity, and I am loving life to the max! It is so incredible to wake up each day at 5ish in the morning, revving to go, counting my blessings and ready to tackle the day with vigour and enthusiasm. I dare not think how my life would have panned out without them!.”

This program will set you up to…

  • Have more connection and presence in your life

  • Sleep deeper

  • ​Wake up feeling energised and light

  • ​Move towards your healthy weight

  • ​Reduce cravings

  • ​Decrease pain and inflammation

  • ​Experience a sense of calmness and clarity of mind

  • ​​​​Reduce bloating, fluid retention, reflux and other digestive disturbances

  • ​Create radiance from the inside out

  • ​Build immunity and support the bodies natural mechanism to heal

What’s Included

Weekly Live Calls

Get deep insights, learn proven tools, and receive ongoing inspiration through our weekly calls.
Ask questions, receive coaching and learn from others.

Seasonal Detox Retreats

Cleanse the body, reset your cravings and set new intentions each season at our seasonal day retreats. Learn nourishing Ayurvedic foods, herbs, yoga & self-care techniques to naturally rejuvenate the body.

1:1 Coaching

Includes monthly Coaching Gyms to support you to troubleshoot any challenges you are dealing with. Optional peer accountability partner to stay on track, keep you motivated and push the limits.

Live Classes

Ground in, connect to your body and clear your mind through seasonal live practices.

Course Hub

Online hub packed full of resources, videos, printable worksheets, ebooks and tip sheets. A complete library of everything you need to get the results!

Your Tribe

A sacred and powerful dynamic group community who will journey along with you. Receive LIFELONG access to a safe, supportive environment to find guidance and engage in ongoing conversation with others just like you!

“hi, Melissa here

I would love to share a little bit about my story and why I am passionate to support you to find health & wellbeing. 

In my early 20's I experienced ongoing digestive issues, anxiety and painful menstruation. I was overwhelmed by the information overload and tried so many different 'health trends', but never found solutions to my health challenges. 

I was doing everything right, and from a Western perspective and the latest health fads, my lifestyle was considered 'healthy' so it made no sense why I was experiencing such chronic health issues. I felt confused, drained and defeated.

It wasn't until I discovered Ayurveda that things started to make a whole lot more sense. 

This powerful healing modality gave me a logical understanding as to what was going on within my body. I could pinpoint the exact time when things started to fall out of balance, and with the wisdom of Ayurveda I was finally able to start healing my body, and my mind. 

 And I would LOVE to support you too to achieve more energy, clarity and radiance to meet each day."

This program is for you if…

  • Have tried to achive your health goals before but failed to stick to the plan

    We know it can be hard to get motivated and stay on track. That's why we come together live in a group to create that container of accountability and support needed to achieve results.

    Understanding the simple, yet easily overlooked ancient practices are going to take you to the next level to reach your goals.

  • You don't want to try another health fad or sick of only short term gains

    True health comes from a holistic approach to health and wellness that focuses on maintaining balance not only in the physical body, but also the mind, and spirit.

    With 5000 years of history, Ayurveda is a trusted system of medicine that delivers results.

  • Those wanting to create new healthy habits

    The program is an opportunity to break the cycle of dysfunctional eating, succumbing to cravings and habits of self sabotage.

    It will help you to simplify your life and learn how to optimise the fundamental areas of your life such as your sleep, daily practices, nutrition and exercise with simple but potent anciet practices .

  • Ready to reset and feel radiant

    Leave last years baggage behind. Clear out mental and emotional debris to make way for the clarity and focus you desire.

    Ground in powerful daily habits that will support you to achieve your goals.

  • Experiencing signs of imbalances in the body

    Tiredness or discomfort after eating, bloating, constipation, seasonal allergies, PMS, regular headaches and other signs and symptoms are warning signs from your body.

    Prioritising your health now at the early stage will prevent more serious and hard to treat conditions down the track.

  • And YOU!

    It is time to reboot your digestive system, clear out the fatigue and brain fog, and step into the most Radiant version of yourself. We'll guide you with a simple plan to achieve all of this and more!

    Let us support you to align to your vision of health for the year ahead.

About your guide

Ayurvedic Practitioner, Yoga Therapist and Kinesiologist, Melissa is has over 9 years of clinical experience helping others find balance, wellness and happiness.

Melissa integrates time tested ancient wisdom with modern behavioural science and habit evolution. She provides a healing space that is supportive, practical and achievable while offering depths of wisdom to guide others to achieve their health goals in a short amount of time. 

Her aim is to help others to better understand their mind, body and soul and provide simple techniques to enact sustainable change, while supporting clients each step of the way.

Diploma of Applied Kinesiology

(AKA Registration, Create Your Reality College Kinesiology; 2014)

Diploma of Ayurvedic Medicine 

(Australasia Institute of Ayurvedic Studies; 2021) 

Embodied Flow Yoga Teacher Training Certificate 

(Tara Judelle; 2015)  

The best way to upgrade your habits & reclaim your right to natural, radiant health:

    • ​​A proven system that is over 5000 years old - that’s a lot of years of observation and experience, which has allowed it to be refined and perfected over time.

    • ​Achieving clarity of mind, abundant energy and balanced digestion & hormones is a science not a guessing game

    • ​Avoid health fads or countless supplements that will not only drain your bank account, deplete your motivation but will not create long-term sustainable health

    • ​Understand how the power of our daily habits either build the foundation for radiant health or fatigue, digestive issues and hormonal imbalances

    • ​​Learn the little known tactics that are easy to implement but have had huge results for our clients

    • ​​​​It works right now. The skills you walk away with are applicable to everyone who is ready to take control of their health and their life.

Next Intake: August 23

Online Program


  • There is no such thing as the right time when it comes to taking action for your health and wellbeing.

    We can find ourselves saying “life is so crazy right now,” “the timing is not ideal” and “maybe later once things settle down.”

    What I’ve come to realise is that life is always “crazy” for some reason or another and things never really “settle down.” That magical moment when everything is “perfectly in order”… it doesn’t exist. There’s always going to be something that is going to pull your attention in your life. The only regret my students have is: “I wish I had started earlier”.

    The right time is that time when you decide that your are worth it and make the choice to invest in yourself.

  • The course is founded in behavioural science, habit evolution, modern psychology and the wisdom of Ayurveda. Teaching you how to make permanent changes that actually stick is what we do best!

    We discover how to work with the bodies intelligence and synch with natural rhythms, so the body WANTS to move towards health. You learn how to change your IDENTITY so that a healthy lifestyle is just WHO you are.

    These small little changes will feel so good that you will start to crave your new routine and habits. Your old state of being starts to become almost unbearable as you connect to a new level of existence.

    This course has tons of accountability structures built in to keep you on track. Plus you have lifetime access to the course and community, so you can continue to grow and learn in the years to come.

  • The reality is, the busier you are the more you need this course! Seriously.

    Even if you’re busy, work full time, and take care of loved ones, you’ll be able to make small changes that yield big results.

    Interestingly many people report that one of the unexpected results of doing this course is that time seems to open up. The small but profound changes you will implement will make you feel clearer, more focused, improved energy and increased productivity. Plus your body will become more resilient to the stresses of a busy lifestyle.

    That being said, I recommend setting aside a few hours each week to watch the videos, attend the live sessions and implement the program. One of the key parts of the programme is to empower you to make your new habits work for you, your commitments and your life.

  • No problem. Life happens. The calls are all recorded and replay links are shared within 24 hours so you can easily catch up at the time that suits you. All of the calls are password protected and are only shared with course members.

  • When you start to take care of yourself and fill up your cup first you become a better version of yourself. You will have more energy and love to give to those around you.

    The course is focused on changing ourselves. We never try to change others - its impossible and will be met with a ton of resistance.

    However as side benefit is that when we change ourselves, the results will often inspire those around us to also change. Through modelling a healthy lifestyle and taking time for self care we also teach our kids how to do the same. Especially at a young age, when they are learning to pick up all habits and behaviours, the good and the bad!

  • I always like to put this one into perspective by asking, what does it cost you to not invest in health?

    Fatigue, poor digestion, low energy, brain fog and stress costs!

    It costs our ability to make money, it costs our ability to be present in relationships and it costs our health. Not to mention the expense of ongoing doctor and therapist appointments, supplements, time off work or pharmaceutical drugs.

    An investment in our health now saves us money in the long term by resolving issues before they become chronic problems.

  • Many of the clients I work with have a very hard time saying NO to people.

    When you refuse to say no, and volunteer yourself for everything you can think of, you end up stretching yourself, and if you stretch yourself too far you end up breaking. There is power in saying no, it gives you the power to take control of your life, and more importantly your health.

    It is actually SELFISH not to put yourself first! When you are feeling balanced, energised and healthy, you show up more fully in your relationships, family and work.

    You are actually doing those around you a favour by putting your health first!