What is Kinesiology & How Does It Work?


Kinesiology is about unraveling stress-holding patterns and blockages in your body.  Kinesiology views stress as the underlying cause of all dis-eases in the body.  This is because it causes blockages in the body's communication and therefore inhibits the ability of the body to self-heal.  Unresolved stress in the body can cause biochemical, structural and emotional/mental imbalances.

For example, ongoing emotional stress negatively impacts on ones biochemistry via the nervous and endocrine systems, which in turn further causes imbalances in the psychological state.  This can negatively impact on ones structure mainly via tension of the skeletal muscles and smooth muscles of the vital organs.  

Kinesiology approaches health in a truly holistic manner, recognising that all aspects of our being including structural, biochemical and emotional aspects are interconnected and interdependent. 

Kinesiology is the science of muscle monitoring that works via a biofeedback system in your body. When light gradual pressure is applied to a muscle that is being suspended (e.g. holding your arm out straight) the tone response of the muscle is activated, causing a signal to be be sent to the brain via the central nervous system.  The brain registers the pressure and sends a signal back down to the muscle via the nervous system to apply a corresponding resistance to resist the pressure being applied.  This biofeedback system works via your subconscious which is below your ability to consciously control the outcome.  

Take another example, you may choose consciously to walk across the room, but it is your subconscious that actually gets you across the room, making minute adjustments to the tone response of your muscles giving you the fluid movement of walking. 

SO what does all this have to do with your health?

Kinesiology works with this tone response of your muscles to gather information from the subconscious areas of the brain.  It is estimated that 10% of everyday function is conscious, and 90% of our brain activity is actually subconscious.   The subconscious areas of our brain, particularly the reptilian and limbic regions contain many stress holding and survival patterns that have been accumulated over our lifetime.  These patterns can trap us into subconisious reactive behaviours and ways of thought that may not be serving us in a positive way.  By working to resolve negative stress holding patterns we can help clear blockages in the body and open up the body's communication channels to self heal and correct.   


How Does Kinesiology Work?