A Yummy 3 Day Cleanse & Reset
A quick & powerful reset to cleanse your body and mind without giving up delicious food
Learn how to optimise your gut health, reset your nervous system and increase vitality in as little as 3 days.
A beautiful and nourishing journey using Ayurvedic wisdom that will leave you feeling rejuvenated, balanced, and ready to embrace the change of the season with renewed energy.
Next live detox: 24-26th March
(First Live Preparation Call happens 2pm Saturday 18th -
recordings will be available!)
or click here for more dates.
Online or at a local Yoga Studio near you
Cleansing the body of toxins is one of the most important steps to healing
In Ayurveda, accumulated toxins known as ‘ama’ is seem as the root cause of all diseases and imbalances. Ama is like a sticky goo that clogs the channels and impedes the flow of nutrients and energy. This can lead to a range of health issues such as poor digestion, fatigue, clogged arteries, skin issues, and even chronic diseases.
When ama clogs the channels responsible for the elimination of waste products, it can lead to the buildup of toxins in the body. These toxins can further impair the body's natural ability to digest, assimilate, and eliminate waste products, leading to a vicious cycle of ama accumulation.
The accumulation of ama in the body can also clog the channels of communication between the mind and body, leading to feelings of mental and emotional stagnation, confusion, and even depression and anxiety.
By the end of the cleanse, you will not only feel physically lighter but also emotionally and mentally clearer. You will be ready to welcome the new season with renewed energy, vitality and a sense of well-being. Don't wait, sign up for our Ayurvedic 3 Day Autumn Cleanse today and take the first step towards a more beautiful, nourishing and balanced life.
Here’s whats involved
Recipe & Self Care Ebooks
Includes your simple and easy to make recipes, self care practices and herbs (tailored to your constitution) for the 3 days of cleansing.
1:1 Coaching
A personal 30 min 1:1 Ayurvedic consultation to discover the next steps on your healing journey.
Whatsapp group
This will be your place for daily reminders, motivation and support.
Live Classes
Your invited to join daily yoga and breathe exercises (either online or at your local studio). Can’t make the classes? No worries, recordings will be provided.
Course Hub
Contains videos with step-by-step instructions outlining the process of the cleanse and show you exactly how to do each simple practice.
Your Tribe
Your like-minded community who will support and motivate you during your 3 days of cleansing.
Heres a sample of your schedule
Live Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama
Morning Self Care Practice
Simple Home Recipes
Daily Reminders & Prompts
Nightly Self Reflection, Support and Questions
all sessions can be carried out from the comfort of your own home, with the option to join in person yoga sessions.
Are you struggling with…
Heavy, fatigued, and sluggish when you wake up in the morning?
Uncomfortable, gassy, or bloated no matter what you eat?
Mind is worrisome, busy, and unable to relax?
Loss of motivation, direction, and purpose?
Digestive issues like bloating, loose stools or constipation?
A general feeling of just not being quite ok?
Cravings for sugar or stimulants to keep you going through the day?
Anxiety, depression or foggy brain?
If so, your body is telling you its time for a reset!
Don't let brain fog, cravings and a lack of clarity hold you back in life. There is a simple proven strategy to optimise your gut health, energy and vitality.
We know that in just 3 days you can have fantastic results and set solid foundations towards achieving radiant health so that you can live the life that you deserve. This short and effective cleanse can have a positive impact on your digestion, nervous system, sleep, energy levels and clarity of mind.
You will be given the personalised tools and guidance to naturally remove accumulated digestive toxins from your body, before they have the chance to spread and cause disease. We will support you step by step to simply and easily cleanse and reset from the comfort of your own home alongside your lifestyle, work and family commitments.
This easy cleanse will set you up to…
Sleep deeper
Wake up feeling energised and light
Move towards your healthy weight
Reduce cravings
Decrease pain and inflammation
Experience a sense of calmness and clarity of mind
Reduce bloating, fluid retention, reflux and other digestive disturbances
Cleanse toxins from your organs
Create radiance from the inside out
Build immunity and support the bodies natural mechanism to heal
This cleanse is for you if…
Have tried to do a home detox before but failed to stick to the plan
We know it can be hard to get motivated and stay on track. That's why we come together live in a group to create that container of accountability and support needed to achieve results.
Understanding the simple, yet easily overlooked ancient practices are going to take you to the next level to reach your goals.
Don't want to feel hungry or restricted to a liquid diet
During this cleanse you will get to eat three delicious meals a day, feel nourished and enjoy the process.
Cleansing does not have to be harsh and feel like a shock to the body. This process works with the body to enhance its natural ability to remove toxins. Easy yet effective.
Experiencing early signs of imbalances in the body
Tiredness or discomfort after eating, bloating, constipation, seasonal allergies, PMS, regular headaches and other signs and symptoms are warning signs from your body.
Removing accumulated toxins now at the early stage will prevent more serious and hard to treat conditions down the track.
Want a cleanse that is tailored to your unique Constitution
One of the key benefits of an Ayurvedic detox is that it is personalized and tailored to your individual needs and preferences.
Ayurveda recognizes that every person is unique, with different constitutional types and health concerns.
An Ayurvedic detox will take into account your unique needs, and address any imbalances or issues that you may have.
Want to create new healthy habits
The cleanse is an opportunity to break the cycle of dysfunctional eating, succumbing to cravings and habits of self sabotage.
The practices and recipes you will learn will help you to set solid foundations towards achieving radiant health, that you will have for a life time!
And YOU!
It is time to reboot your digestive system, clear out the fatigue and brain fog, and step into the most Radiant version of yourself. We'll guide you with a simple plan to achieve all of this and more!
Let us support you to align to your vision of health for the year ahead.
“hi, Melissa here
I would love to share a little bit about my story and why I am passionate to support you to find health & wellbeing.
In my early 20's I experienced ongoing digestive issues, anxiety and painful menstruation. I was overwhelmed by the information overload and tried so many different 'health trends', but never found solutions to my health challenges.
I was doing everything right, and from a Western perspective and the latest health fads, my lifestyle was considered 'healthy' so it made no sense why I was experiencing such chronic health issues. I felt confused, drained and defeated.
It wasn't until I discovered Ayurveda that things started to make a whole lot more sense.
This powerful healing modality gave me a logical understanding as to what was going on within my body. I could pinpoint the exact time when things started to fall out of balance, and with the wisdom of Ayurveda I was finally able to start healing my body, and my mind.
Clearing my body of accumulated toxins was one of the first steps in my healing journey. But not just any detox which can often cause more harm then good!
I have perfected a detox using Ayurvedic wisdom and my 9 years of clinical practice to gently and safely cleanse the body, while also feeling nourished and grounded.
And I would LOVE to support you too to achieve more energy, clarity and radiance to meet each day."
What others say..
Vanessa F
“Her accuracy and intuition in her treatment is truly a gift. Melissa works with the individual and suggests a prescription for healing that is always practical and achievable. She’s a devoted practitioner and has helped me achieve a lot in a short space of time."
Imogen B
“This cleanse was by far the most nourishing and grounding I have done so far. It was definitely the reset my mind and body were needing, and such an enjoyable process. I learnt many different self care practices that I continue to use daily and they have really helped me to grounded and clear with in myself."
Niquita J
"The cleanse was definitely what my body and mind needed and it was a great way to start the new year so fresh and clear! Melissa was very kind and knowledgeable and provided us with all the resources needed to make the cleanse an enjoyable and comfortable process. This is definitely something that I would do again."
Sandra W
"Melissa is a very kind therapist with lots of knowledge and wisdom. She improved my mental health, reduced my stress, and increased my happiness. I highly recommend her!
Kelsie H
Melissa has helped me immensely! When I first saw Melissa I was stressed, frantic, recovering from trauma and so utterly confused about my life, after only a few months of seeing her I’m more grounded and at peace with myself and life.
Laura K
“Melissa has a true gift, and in a few sessions I have moved so far forward in my life, it’s hard to imagine what I would have done without her. I highly recommend Melissa if you need assistance in any aspect of your life, and I truly thank her for her help so far and in the future.”
About your guide
Melissa Smrecnik
Ayurvedic Practitioner, Yoga Therapist and Kinesiologist, Melissa is has over 9 years of clinical experience helping others find balance, wellness and happiness.
Melissa integrates time tested ancient wisdom with modern behavioural science and habit evolution. She provides a healing space that is supportive, practical and achievable while offering depths of wisdom to guide others to achieve their health goals in a short amount of time.
Her aim is to help others to better understand their mind, body and soul and provide simple techniques to enact sustainable change, while supporting clients each step of the way.
Diploma of Applied Kinesiology (AKA Registration 2014)
Diploma of Ayurvedic Medicine (Australasia Institute of Ayurvedic Studies 2021)
Embodied Flow Yoga Teacher Training Certificate (Tara Judelle 2015)
Why this is the PERFECT time to detox
The transition from summer to autumn can be a time of increased pitta and vata, which can lead to an accumulation of toxins and impurities in the body. Common signs of pitta and vata imbalances include anxiety and worrisome mind, anger and frustration, constipation, loose stool, dry skin, acne, fatigue and sleep difficulties.
Autumn is a time of change, and the body is more susceptible to imbalances as it adjusts to the new season. By undergoing a seasonal detox, one can support the body's natural balance by removing impurities and excesses and promote overall well-being during this transition period.
PLUS if you feel you are too busy and stressed to take time for you - then this is actually the most important time to prioritise this detox! Taking the time to reset is exactly what your body needs to build its resiliency to the demands and stresses of life. By removing accumulated toxins, you will feel more energetic, productive, focused and clear to deal with life's demands in a much more balanced and grounded way.
Next live detox: 24-26th March
(First Live Preparation Call happens 2pm Saturday 18th -
recordings will be available!)
or click here for more dates.
Online or at a local Yoga Studio near you
The best way to reset your digestion & your life to reclaim your right to natural, Radiant health:
A proven system that is over 5000 years old
Achieving clarity of mind, abundant energy and balanced digestion & hormones is a science not a guessing game
Avoid health fads or countless supplements that will not only drain your bank account, deplete your motivation but will not create long-term sustainable health
Not a one size fits all program! Ayurveda recognizes that every person is unique, with different constitutional types and health concerns.
Understand how safely and effectively removing accumulated toxins is the key to feeling energised, focused and clear
Learn the little known tactics that are easy to implement but have had huge results for our clients
A program that not only detoxes the body, but also the mind, emotions and spirt. A truely holistic approach to health.
It works right now. The skills you walk away with are applicable to everyone who is ready to take control of their health and their life.
All of this for ONLY $197
(Usually $297)
Over $500 worth of value!
Did you know that many of the 'detoxes' that are offered today are actually creating more harm than good to your body?
Many detoxes involve extreme alterations and harsh limitations and restrictions - making them hard to stick to, shocking the system and leaving you feeling scattered and ungrounded.
Rather than disrupting your metabolism and setting you up for a cycle of cravings and binging, the Ayurvedic approach keeps you nourished and balanced while safely and effectively supporting the bodies natural cycles of cleansing and detoxification.
During this cleanse your experience will be one that is easeful and nourishing - and did we mention the food tastes delicious?
We can find ourselves saying “life is so crazy right now,” “the timing is not ideal” and “maybe later once things settle down.”
But, in reality there is no such thing as the right time when it comes to taking action for your health and wellbeing.
What I’ve come to realise is that life is always “crazy” for some reason or another and things never really “settle down”. That magical moment when everything is “perfectly in order”… it doesn’t exist. There’s always going to be something that is going to pull your attention in your life. The only regret my students have is: “I wish I had started earlier”.
The right time is that time when you decide that your are worth it and make the choice to invest in yourself.
During the detox, we discover how to work with the bodies intelligence and synch with natural rhythms, so the body WANTS to move towards health. You learn how to change your IDENTITY so that a healthy lifestyle is just WHO you are.
These small little changes will feel so good that you will start to crave your new routine and habits. Your old state of being starts to become almost unbearable as you connect to a new level of existence.
This course has tons of accountability structures and check in sessions built in to keep you on track.
Actually, the busier you are the more you need this reset! Seriously.
It's the busy and stressful hustle and bustle of life that often either causes or exacerbates our imbalances. This simple and supportive reset will give your body the opportunity to clear out accumulated toxins.
Interestingly many people report that one of the unexpected results of doing this reset is that time seems to open up. This detox will increase your capacity and resiliency to the stresses and busy-ness of life. It will leave you feeling more energetic, productive, focused and clear to overcome life's demands.
It is preferable to take as much time off as possible during the three days, but due to the gentle and supportive nature of the detox it is still possible to carry on with your daily responsibilities.
You do not necessarily have to take the Friday off work, but it is recommended to take it easy and be as mindful as possible to reduce stress on that day. You will also need to be a little more prepared and bring your meals with you in a food flask.
No problem. Life happens. The calls are all recorded and replay links are shared within 24 hours so you can easily catch up at the time that suits you.
I always like to put this one into perspective by asking, what does it cost you to not invest in health?
Fatigue, poor digestion, low energy, brain fog and stress costs!
It costs our ability to make money, it costs our ability to be present in relationships and it costs our health. Not to mention the expense of ongoing doctor and therapist appointments, supplements, time off work or pharmaceutical drugs.
An investment in our health now saves us money in the long term by resolving issues before they become chronic problems.
Many of the clients I work with have a very hard time saying NO to people.
When you refuse to say no, and volunteer yourself for everything you can think of, you end up stretching yourself, and if you stretch yourself too far you end up breaking. There is power in saying no, it gives you the power to take control of your life, and more importantly your health.
It is actually SELFISH not to put yourself first! When you are feeling balanced, energised and healthy, you show up more fully in your relationships, family and work.
You are actually doing those around you a favour by putting your health first!
Unlike detoxes you may have tried before, this program is designed to be simple, easy to follow and enjoyable.
Step by step you are supported and part of a group on this journey of transformation together.
Regardless of previous experience or knowledge this cleanse is suitable for anyone who is ready to create small changes for better health.
You will be surprised that when you eat legumes and rice that have been well prepared the Ayurvedic way how much easier it is on our digestion!
Nevertheless, there will also be alternative recipes available to trailer to all sensitivities and requirements.